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Inspiration and Development:


I draw inspiration from everything I experience around me, from real-life events, to books and TV, to dreams and so much more.

Here are notes for some of my stories.

The WeatherMaker: Hearts Desire

Originally a standalone book, it was first just called: The WeatherMaker

Toward the end of completion however, the idea for more WeatherMaker stories came to me, and so I gave them subtitles (Prince of Light/Bloodstained Skies/Lacklustre Paradise)

This story was given a new name: The WeatherMaker – Hearts Desire

This story was written in segments, and was split into 4 parts which I started writing at roughly the same time.

The original storyboard I wrote before starting the actual story was completely different to the storyboard I wrote after I starting writing (finished part 1).

Several scenes and ideas were cut/changed as I wrote this, including a character called Blueberry who was cut entirely from the story. His character was moved to another story. He will now appear in The WeatherMaker: Lacklustre Paradise – intended to be the 4th book in the WeatherMaker series (though this may change)

I drew inspiration from many things while writing this book, including animes such as, Wolfs Rain, Attack on Titan and Clannad, as well as drawing inspiration from other places, such as dreams, a video game called Vagrant Story, and an Emimem music video (which inspired an important scene in the book)

The WeatherMaker: Hearts Desire was started in December 2014 and finished in April 2016

This was the very first book that I published.

The Ones Who were Chosen

The Ones Who Were Chosen is the first book in the guardian series but the second book to be written in this series (the first written was The Angel of Stone – the second book)
Always intended to be the shortest book in the series, I got inspiration for scenes and characters from many different places for this book, including video games (Devil May Cry/Kingdom Hearts) and anime (Bleach/Ouran High School Host Club/Baccano)
The beastly form of Kreas and Li were originally called Shiba (Li) and Lappy (Kreas) and were ideas inspired by a dream. Li’s beastly form (originally called Shiba) was inspired by the dog breed: Shiba Inu.
The main character’s names (Reuben and Lucas) were also changed several times throughout development.
The umbrella demon was an idea that originally came from a dream, and is probably the reason why the creature’s design was so unusual.
Aberrant were originally just demons in my story, the reason I changed this is because I decided that there was no clear reason why these creatures should be defined as demons because they were not evil. And I decided the definition ‘aberrant’ was far more interesting.
Several scenes were cut from this story that didn’t fit in while I was writing the storyboard, including a scene were Diz and Adrian were trapped in a church with a demon, and other scenes which I cannot tell because spoilers.
This novel took several months to write, and was finished in August 2016

The Slayer

This was a very strange story for me to work on. As I was writing it, I didn’t originally intend it to be as ‘silly’ as it turned out. Wasn’t sure if I liked it even when writing, wasn’t sure how it would turn out in the end…but ran with it anyway because it felt like I should, and in the end, I loved how it turned out.

This was a very tricky book for me to write as there was a lot for me to keep track of.

The character Spirit was inspired by Noface from the film Spirited Away. He was originally supposed to be a chimera, a man x peacock hybrid, but this was changed early on. Spirit’s character ended up becoming a water elemental.

This story was inspired by video games and ‘adventure’ animes.  

The Black and White Angel

I had a rough idea for the story when I started writing, I knew how I wanted it to begin, I knew how I wanted it to end, but I didn’t know what would happen in the middle and so I made it up as I went along.
I drew inspiration from anime and video games while writing this story (mainly the anime Wolfs Rain and the game Dishonoured)
This story took about 3 years to write, and was finished in April 2017

The WeatherMaker: Prince of Light

Originally this entire story was inspired by just one scene from the Disney film Frozen, the scene in which the character Elsa sings ‘Let is go’.
I watched that scene so many times, and one day an idea struck me, what if I had a similar story, but the character is a male, and he ran away from his palace home because of years of abuse both mental and physical?
And so, the basis of this novel was first created.
The idea for the main character (the prince) was that he was everything a prince was expected NOT to be – weak, frightened, no will or confidence of his own.
I drew inspiration from many different places during writing (Elfen Lied/Code Geass/Tokyo Ghoul/Dramatical Murder/Phantom Pain/The Witcher3)
This story was written in sections and then stitched together. I started in the middle, and went in every direction after that.
During my time writing this story, it was a jumbled mess. I didn’t sit down and write a storyboard like I did with many other books, I had no idea how the story was going to end up, only a vague idea, and my god, was it a nightmare to write. Originally intended to be just one book, it turned out to be so long, I split it into two.
The story was originally called ‘The White Prince’, however the name was later changed.
One of the longest projects I’ve done so far, this novel took in total around 4 years to complete (part 1 and 2)
I am very proud of this novel, a lot of work, love and dedication went into creating this.

Love Lost/Breaking Bonds (yaoi novels)

Two stories written one shortly after the other and polar opposites from each other. One hard-core, the other soft-core (both yaoi – both a slice of life)
Love Lost was inspired by the anime Clannad (Haru’s character is based on Nagisa, and Aubrey’s is based on Tomoya from the anime)
Breaking Bonds was inspired by the animes Junjou Romantica and Lovestage.
These stories were both finished in 2018

Paint it RED!

This story was originally inspired by an anime called: Maria Holic
Which takes place in an all-girls school, like in my novel.
My story is centred around a girl who had a difficult childhood, yet makes the best of her situation and is happy in her life despite everything.
The purpose of this story, is to show that despite the suffering that we may endure in our existence, there is always some good that could come from it, be it as simple as gaining wisdom and experience. It is up to YOU to make the best of situations, and make the best of the hand that life gives you. And be thankful for what you do have, not resentful for what you don’t.
The opening for the anime Maria Holic, is what inspired the title of this novel.
There is a phrase which appears in the intro: PAINT IT RED
This phrase stuck with me, and so it became the novel’s title.
Despite this being a shorter novel (60K words) this took a long time for me to write (2-3 years) when it should have taken only a few months. However, this story was far trickier to write than originally anticipated. But the main reason it took so long to complete this work, was that during the time of writing, my mental health took a dive due to various reasons (personal and covid) however upon completion (early 2023) I had overcome some difficulties and started feeling better. Still medicated tho :p

Inspiration and Development - Novels: FAQ


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