Welcome to my very first visual novel. A slice of life, following a small part of the life of a boy called Ethan, and his encounter meeting Lily, whom he falls in love with. And Alex, a complex character who shares a history with Lily.
The story follows a branching plot-line where the player can get one of four different endings, depending on the decisions the player makes during the game.
My visual novel will be available on and eventually Steam.
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If you want to message me for any reason : ) feel free to do so. My email is at the bottom of this page.

The main character (the playable character). He loves trees and the park is his favourite place. Sometimes he sits for hours and just takes in the sights and sounds of nature, he likes to meditate.
Has a sister and a cousin that go to the same school as him. Very close to his family.
Develops an interest in filming and decides to become involved in film-making, and starts with creating his own ‘found footage’ movie with friends help. No fixed plans for the future, but is very open minded. A social and kind character, confident and down to earth.

Loves books and reading. She is musically minded and can play the piano and violin and sing. Also, a song writer. Has five younger brothers and is very close to her family. Works hard to care for her mother who has poor health.
Used to paint a lot until she found a new love in music. Loves long walks and loves exploring and seeing new places, be it day or night. Grieves for her sister who died a long time ago.

Acts confident and bold to hide his insecurities. His biggest fear is being forgotten and ignored and unloved. Regrets the mistakes he made in the past and is working hard to be a better person.
Enjoys skateboarding, old stories (Greek mythology) and enjoys painting. Very talented artist but recently has taken more of an interest in music. Due to a troubled past, he lives with his grandparents.

Ethan’s sister. Loves cooking and baking and all things food-related, has a great passion for food and music both. Has a hard exterior but caring on the inside. Very close to her family and very hardworking. Dreams of being a chief.

Ethan’s cousin. A happy, lively and excited character. Very open and loving to everyone. Loves to play the saxophone and loves all things cute and pink. Can be too emotional at times. Dreams of having a family of her own.

Despite being so talkative, very little is known of her because of her tendency to lie, stretch the truth and be outright deceptive. Has a selfish streak but deep within her character, acts only out of hurt. Uses aggression to hide her sensitivity. Ethan’s ‘crazy x-girlfriend’.

One of Ethan’s friends, a lively character and friendly character. Has difficulties at home with an alcoholic mother. Has an older sister who work in emergency medical services. Often chooses to be alone, loves night time and playing video games, both in the arcade and at home. Has a fear of speaking in front of crowds.

One of Ethan’s friends, a happy and confident character with a sense of humour. Very ambitious with big dreams for the future. Wants to leave home and travel the world. Has a great interest in computers and coding, and strives to work as a website designer and game designer. Has a fear of elevators.

A shy, sensitive and timid character. Likes sound design, drawing landscapes, and the beach. She loves cake and sweet things; her favourite flavour is lemon.

A lively and confident character, loves flowers. Her parents own a café that she works in from time to time, she also volunteers as a gardener at the local park.
Video - credits shown at end of game
‘My first Visual Novel, and one I am very proud of. This was a long process with many challenges, mainly learning how to use the program. But I am very pleased with the finished project, and I hope you are too.
The first VN that I ever played and one that inspired me to create my own, was one called Doki Doki Literature Club. I thoroughly enjoyed this game and played it in one sitting.
I’ve written many novels before, and am always looking to create new things, so naturally felt inclined to create my own visual novel.
I wanted to create a slice of life, as I’ve written this genre before and really enjoy it.
I have many more ideas for the future.’ – Lady Phantom
(Development: May 2019 – May 2021)
In regard to the credits video - Due to time and money constraints I was unable to find a female singer I liked to sing Lily's part (the blue haired girl in the video) so at short notice a male friend of mine with a lovely voice offered to do so for free and I accepted :)
Characters illustrated by Longsummerchild
Menu cover, scenes and credit illustrations by Longsummerchild
(‘background pictures do not belong to me’ – Lady Phantom)
Main theme (piano and violin melody) created by Napbak
Other themes and background sound from and (royalty free music)
Love Story song written and sung by Akira Dubs (sung by Alex in story) and by ‘Ghost’ (sung by Lily in credits)
Carson Mummery
Project created using the program Ren’Py
Written and created by Lady Phantom